Reddit Dataset Info -
Questions based on the Marvel Studio subreddit -
Business goal: Determine the most popular Marvel movie or Disney+ Series in 2021-2022 Aug
Technical proposal: Use NLP to identify the posts that mention one or more moives or series. Conduct counts of which moives or series are mentioned the most. Analyze counts over time to check for major deviations and identify the leaders. Conduct sentiment analysis of the posts to assign positive or negative values to movies or series. Present findings for volume metrics and sentiment analysis for the top 5 movies or series to answer the "popular" insights for media class.
Business goal: Catch the correlation between film box office, film investment and audience review
Technical proposal: Use NLP to identify the posts that mention one or more moives or series. Conduct counts of which moives or series are mentioned the most. Conduct sentiment analysis of the posts to assign positive or negative values to movies or series. Use external resources to get information about movies/series'investment, box office, etc. and calcluate the correlation between these varaibles to see how investments and audience reviews can affect the box office.
Business goal: Locate which platform deserves more investment from Marvel Studio?
Technical proposal: Use NLP to identify the posts that mention one or more moives or series. Conduct counts of which moives or series are mentioned the most. Locate whether the related media was released in theaters or online and compare it to their current box office. Extract the box office data of all the movies released in the time range of create_utc of the original data and join it with the data from Reddit. Use ML to get the distribution between the media and box office to identify the platform that merits additional funding from Marvel Studio.
Business goal: Look up the audience's exceptation to their reactions to the movies or the series before and after the release date of the movies or series. Check for the possoble reasons.
Technical proposal: Use NLP to identify the posts that mention one or more moives or series. Conduct counts of which moives or series are mentioned the most. Analyze counts over time to look for significant outliers and pinpoint the leaders. Perform sentiment analysis on the comments to rate the movies and TV shows positively or negatively. Give results from volume metrics and sentiment analysis for the characters to address the "popular" media class insights. Use external resources to get information about movies/series release date and calcluate the correlation between these varaibles to find out what the viewers thought of the movies or series shows both before and after they were released.
Business goal: Build models to predit the box office by using heat of discussions/posts' sentiments before movie releases.
Technical proposal: Use NLP to identify the posts that mention one or more moives or series. Conduct sentiment analysis of the posts to assign positive or negative values to movies or series. Extract the box office data of all the movies released in the time range of create_utc of the original data and join it with the data from Reddit. Use ML to predict the future box office of Marvel Movies.
Business goal: See if reddit users' opinion on movies and series are consistent with IMDB rating trends.
Technical proposal: Extract the IMDB rating data from external data. Set review categories according to movie ratings. Use NLP to identify users' emotion on every movie based on both submission and comments data, and create a variable to show whether it is positive or negative. Then, join thoe two rating together and see if they are accordant or not.
Business goal: Determine the most popular Marvel character (superhero/villain and different gender) in 2021-2022 Aug
Technical proposal: Use NLP to identify the posts that mention one or more Marvel Characters. Conduct counts of which characters are mentioned the most. Analyze counts over time to check for major deviations and identify the leaders. Conduct sentiment analysis of the posts to assign positive or negative values to characters. Present findings for volume metrics and sentiment analysis for the top 5 characters to answer the "popular" insights for character class.
Business goal: Track the most co-related character roles that people always mention together which means the higher of the correlation the higher audience of these two roles.
Technical proposal: Use NLP to identify the posts that mention one or more Marvel Characters. Conduct counts of which characters are mentioned the most. Analyze counts over time to check for major deviations and identify the leaders. Conduct sentiment analysis of the posts to assign positive or negative values to characters. Present findings for volume metrics and sentiment analysis for the top 5 characters to answer the "popular" insights for character class.
Business goal: Build models to predict the heroes' popularity based on his/her/its backgrounds and ethniticty.
Technical proposal: Use external json data to join some attributes of the character such as race, gender, and so on. Join it with the popularity degree which will be conducted by using NLP in some previous steps. Find out the relationship between them, and use ML to predict. Give some conclusions and ideas about what kind of heros might be more popular in the future.
Business goal: Observe the fluctuation of heat of discussion/sentiment/reviews towards characters. Check for the possible reasons.
Technical proposal: Use NLP to identify the posts that mention one or more Marvel Characters. Conduct counts of which characters are mentioned the most. Analyze counts over time to look for significant outliers and pinpoint the leaders. Perform sentiment analysis on the comments to rate the characters shows positively or negatively. Give results from volume metrics and sentiment analysis for the characters to address the "popular" character class insights. Use external resources to get information about movies/series release date and calcluate the correlation between these varaibles to follow the fluctuating tides of opinions about the characters in discussions and reviews both before and after they were released.
Externel Data Link:
Movies & Release Dates Dataset
Character Background Dataset
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
# This line was used to make sure that we can access the parquet files
# Read all submissions and comments
submissions ="abfss://")
comments ="abfss://")
# Retrieve submissions and coments of subredit channel r/marvelstudio
marvel_sub = submissions.filter(col("subreddit")=="marvelstudios")
marvel_com = comments.filter(col("subreddit")=="marvelstudios")
# Report the basic info about submission dataset
# Check submissions dataframe shape
print('Marvel studio submissions dataframe shape:', (marvel_sub.count(), len(marvel_sub.columns)))
# Report dataframe schema
print('=' * 30)
Marvel studio submissions dataframe shape: (185010, 68) ============================== root |-- adserver_click_url: string (nullable = true) |-- adserver_imp_pixel: string (nullable = true) |-- archived: boolean (nullable = true) |-- author: string (nullable = true) |-- author_cakeday: boolean (nullable = true) |-- author_flair_css_class: string (nullable = true) |-- author_flair_text: string (nullable = true) |-- author_id: string (nullable = true) |-- brand_safe: boolean (nullable = true) |-- contest_mode: boolean (nullable = true) |-- created_utc: long (nullable = true) |-- crosspost_parent: string (nullable = true) |-- crosspost_parent_list: array (nullable = true) | |-- element: struct (containsNull = true) | | |-- approved_at_utc: string (nullable = true) | | |-- approved_by: string (nullable = true) | | |-- archived: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- author: string (nullable = true) | | |-- author_flair_css_class: string (nullable = true) | | |-- author_flair_text: string (nullable = true) | | |-- banned_at_utc: string (nullable = true) | | |-- banned_by: string (nullable = true) | | |-- brand_safe: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- can_gild: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- can_mod_post: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- clicked: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- contest_mode: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- created: double (nullable = true) | | |-- created_utc: double (nullable = true) | | |-- distinguished: string (nullable = true) | | |-- domain: string (nullable = true) | | |-- downs: long (nullable = true) | | |-- edited: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- gilded: long (nullable = true) | | |-- hidden: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- hide_score: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- id: string (nullable = true) | | |-- is_crosspostable: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- is_reddit_media_domain: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- is_self: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- is_video: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- likes: string (nullable = true) | | |-- link_flair_css_class: string (nullable = true) | | |-- link_flair_text: string (nullable = true) | | |-- locked: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- media: string (nullable = true) | | |-- mod_reports: array (nullable = true) | | | |-- element: string (containsNull = true) | | |-- name: string (nullable = true) | | |-- num_comments: long (nullable = true) | | |-- num_crossposts: long (nullable = true) | | |-- num_reports: string (nullable = true) | | |-- over_18: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- parent_whitelist_status: string (nullable = true) | | |-- permalink: string (nullable = true) | | |-- pinned: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- quarantine: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- removal_reason: string (nullable = true) | | |-- report_reasons: string (nullable = true) | | |-- saved: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- score: long (nullable = true) | | |-- secure_media: string (nullable = true) | | |-- selftext: string (nullable = true) | | |-- selftext_html: string (nullable = true) | | |-- spoiler: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- stickied: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- subreddit: string (nullable = true) | | |-- subreddit_id: string (nullable = true) | | |-- subreddit_name_prefixed: string (nullable = true) | | |-- subreddit_type: string (nullable = true) | | |-- suggested_sort: string (nullable = true) | | |-- thumbnail: string (nullable = true) | | |-- thumbnail_height: string (nullable = true) | | |-- thumbnail_width: string (nullable = true) | | |-- title: string (nullable = true) | | |-- ups: long (nullable = true) | | |-- url: string (nullable = true) | | |-- user_reports: array (nullable = true) | | | |-- element: string (containsNull = true) | | |-- view_count: string (nullable = true) | | |-- visited: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- whitelist_status: string (nullable = true) |-- disable_comments: boolean (nullable = true) |-- distinguished: string (nullable = true) |-- domain: string (nullable = true) |-- domain_override: string (nullable = true) |-- edited: string (nullable = true) |-- embed_type: string (nullable = true) |-- embed_url: string (nullable = true) |-- gilded: long (nullable = true) |-- hidden: boolean (nullable = true) |-- hide_score: boolean (nullable = true) |-- href_url: string (nullable = true) |-- id: string (nullable = true) |-- imp_pixel: string (nullable = true) |-- is_crosspostable: boolean (nullable = true) |-- is_reddit_media_domain: boolean (nullable = true) |-- is_self: boolean (nullable = true) |-- is_video: boolean (nullable = true) |-- link_flair_css_class: string (nullable = true) |-- link_flair_text: string (nullable = true) |-- locked: boolean (nullable = true) |-- media: struct (nullable = true) | |-- event_id: string (nullable = true) | |-- oembed: struct (nullable = true) | | |-- author_name: string (nullable = true) | | |-- author_url: string (nullable = true) | | |-- cache_age: long (nullable = true) | | |-- description: string (nullable = true) | | |-- height: long (nullable = true) | | |-- html: string (nullable = true) | | |-- provider_name: string (nullable = true) | | |-- provider_url: string (nullable = true) | | |-- thumbnail_height: long (nullable = true) | | |-- thumbnail_url: string (nullable = true) | | |-- thumbnail_width: long (nullable = true) | | |-- title: string (nullable = true) | | |-- type: string (nullable = true) | | |-- url: string (nullable = true) | | |-- version: string (nullable = true) | | |-- width: long (nullable = true) | |-- reddit_video: struct (nullable = true) | | |-- dash_url: string (nullable = true) | | |-- duration: long (nullable = true) | | |-- fallback_url: string (nullable = true) | | |-- height: long (nullable = true) | | |-- hls_url: string (nullable = true) | | |-- is_gif: boolean (nullable = true) | | |-- scrubber_media_url: string (nullable = true) | | |-- transcoding_status: string (nullable = true) | | |-- width: long (nullable = true) | |-- type: string (nullable = true) |-- media_embed: struct (nullable = true) | |-- content: string (nullable = true) | |-- height: long (nullable = true) | |-- scrolling: boolean (nullable = true) | |-- width: long (nullable = true) |-- mobile_ad_url: string (nullable = true) |-- num_comments: long (nullable = true) |-- num_crossposts: long (nullable = true) |-- original_link: string (nullable = true) |-- over_18: boolean (nullable = true) |-- parent_whitelist_status: string (nullable = true) |-- permalink: string (nullable = true) |-- pinned: boolean (nullable = true) |-- post_hint: string (nullable = true) |-- preview: struct (nullable = true) | |-- enabled: boolean (nullable = true) | |-- images: array (nullable = true) | | |-- element: struct (containsNull = true) | | | |-- id: string (nullable = true) | | | |-- resolutions: array (nullable = true) | | | | |-- element: struct (containsNull = true) | | | | | |-- height: long (nullable = true) | | | | | |-- url: string (nullable = true) | | | | | |-- width: long (nullable = true) | | | |-- source: struct (nullable = true) | | | | |-- height: long (nullable = true) | | | | |-- url: string (nullable = true) | | | | |-- width: long (nullable = true) | | | |-- variants: struct (nullable = true) | | | | |-- gif: struct (nullable = true) | | | | | |-- resolutions: array (nullable = true) | | | | | | |-- element: struct (containsNull = true) | | | | | | | |-- height: long (nullable = true) | | | | | | | |-- url: string (nullable = true) | | | | | | | |-- width: long (nullable = true) | | | | | |-- source: struct (nullable = true) | | | | | | |-- height: long (nullable = true) | | | | | | |-- url: string (nullable = true) | | | | | | |-- width: long (nullable = true) | | | | |-- mp4: struct (nullable = true) | | | | | |-- resolutions: array (nullable = true) | | | | | | |-- element: struct (containsNull = true) | | | | | | | |-- height: long (nullable = true) | | | | | | | |-- url: string (nullable = true) | | | | | | | |-- width: long (nullable = true) | | | | | |-- source: struct (nullable = true) | | | | | | |-- height: long (nullable = true) | | | | | | |-- url: string (nullable = true) | | | | | | |-- width: long (nullable = true) | | | | |-- nsfw: struct (nullable = true) | | | | | |-- resolutions: array (nullable = true) | | | | | | |-- element: struct (containsNull = true) | | | | | | | |-- height: long (nullable = true) | | | | | | | |-- url: string (nullable = true) | | | | | | | |-- width: long (nullable = true) | | | | | |-- source: struct (nullable = true) | | | | | | |-- height: long (nullable = true) | | | | | | |-- url: string (nullable = true) | | | | | | |-- width: long (nullable = true) | | | | |-- obfuscated: struct (nullable = true) | | | | | |-- resolutions: array (nullable = true) | | | | | | |-- element: struct (containsNull = true) | | | | | | | |-- height: long (nullable = true) | | | | | | | |-- url: string (nullable = true) | | | | | | | |-- width: long (nullable = true) | | | | | |-- source: struct (nullable = true) | | | | | | |-- height: long (nullable = true) | | | | | | |-- url: string (nullable = true) | | | | | | |-- width: long (nullable = true) |-- promoted: boolean (nullable = true) |-- promoted_by: string (nullable = true) |-- promoted_display_name: string (nullable = true) |-- promoted_url: string (nullable = true) |-- retrieved_on: long (nullable = true) |-- score: long (nullable = true) |-- secure_media: struct (nullable = true) | |-- event_id: string (nullable = true) | |-- oembed: struct (nullable = true) | | |-- author_name: string (nullable = true) | | |-- author_url: string (nullable = true) | | |-- cache_age: long (nullable = true) | | |-- description: string (nullable = true) | | |-- height: long (nullable = true) | | |-- html: string (nullable = true) | | |-- provider_name: string (nullable = true) | | |-- provider_url: string (nullable = true) | | |-- thumbnail_height: long (nullable = true) | | |-- thumbnail_url: string (nullable = true) | | |-- thumbnail_width: long (nullable = true) | | |-- title: string (nullable = true) | | |-- type: string (nullable = true) | | |-- url: string (nullable = true) | | |-- version: string (nullable = true) | | |-- width: long (nullable = true) | |-- type: string (nullable = true) |-- secure_media_embed: struct (nullable = true) | |-- content: string (nullable = true) | |-- height: long (nullable = true) | |-- media_domain_url: string (nullable = true) | |-- scrolling: boolean (nullable = true) | |-- width: long (nullable = true) |-- selftext: string (nullable = true) |-- spoiler: boolean (nullable = true) |-- stickied: boolean (nullable = true) |-- subreddit: string (nullable = true) |-- subreddit_id: string (nullable = true) |-- suggested_sort: string (nullable = true) |-- third_party_trackers: array (nullable = true) | |-- element: string (containsNull = true) |-- third_party_tracking: string (nullable = true) |-- third_party_tracking_2: string (nullable = true) |-- thumbnail: string (nullable = true) |-- thumbnail_height: long (nullable = true) |-- thumbnail_width: long (nullable = true) |-- title: string (nullable = true) |-- url: string (nullable = true) |-- whitelist_status: string (nullable = true)
# Report the basic info about submission dataset
# Check comments dataframe shape
print('Marvel studio comments dataframe shape:', (marvel_com.count(), len(marvel_com.columns)))
# Report dataframe schema
print('=' * 30)
Marvel studio comments dataframe shape: (5339267, 21) ============================== root |-- author: string (nullable = true) |-- author_cakeday: boolean (nullable = true) |-- author_flair_css_class: string (nullable = true) |-- author_flair_text: string (nullable = true) |-- body: string (nullable = true) |-- can_gild: boolean (nullable = true) |-- controversiality: long (nullable = true) |-- created_utc: long (nullable = true) |-- distinguished: string (nullable = true) |-- edited: string (nullable = true) |-- gilded: long (nullable = true) |-- id: string (nullable = true) |-- is_submitter: boolean (nullable = true) |-- link_id: string (nullable = true) |-- parent_id: string (nullable = true) |-- permalink: string (nullable = true) |-- retrieved_on: long (nullable = true) |-- score: long (nullable = true) |-- stickied: boolean (nullable = true) |-- subreddit: string (nullable = true) |-- subreddit_id: string (nullable = true)
# Check timestamps of when the first and last submissions were created
print('First submission created_utc (UNIX):',"created_utc").sort("created_utc").head(1))
print('Last submission created_utc (UNIX):',"created_utc").sort("created_utc").tail(1))
First submission created_utc (UNIX): [Row(created_utc=1609459575)] Last submission created_utc (UNIX): [Row(created_utc=1661989603)]
# Convert UNIX timestamp into human-readable date to check the time period
import datetime
print('First submission creation datetime:', datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1609459575))
print('Last submission creation datetime:', datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1661989603))
First submission creation datetime: 2021-01-01 00:06:15 Last submission creation datetime: 2022-08-31 23:46:43
# Extract the columns related to our business goals
keep_var_list_sub = ["id", "author", "created_utc", "title", "selftext", "score"]
keep_var_list_com = ["link_id", "author", "created_utc", "body", "score"]
data_sub =
data_com =
# Get the Statistics for submissions selected columns
# Get the Statistics for comments selected columns
+-------+------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------+------------------+ |summary| id| author| created_utc| title|selftext| score| +-------+------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------+------------------+ | count|185010| 185010| 185010| 185010| 185010| 185010| | mean| null|1.362439414093085...| 1.635125253135771E9| 1.02621215E9| null|287.00579968650345| | stddev| null|7.600777962613307...|1.5134434001603175E7|2.2829286854864154E9| null|2238.2628136980743| | min|kj2pt6| ----Dongers| 1609459575| !| | 0| | max|x2seos| zzzzzlllll| 1661989603| 🫥| 🥲| 108284| +-------+------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------+------------------+ +-------+---------+-------------------+--------------------+-------+------------------+ |summary| link_id| author| created_utc| body| score| +-------+---------+-------------------+--------------------+-------+------------------+ | count| 5339267| 5339267| 5339267|5339267| 5339267| | mean| null| Infinity| 1.637007490536831E9| NaN|20.301143022066512| | stddev| null| NaN|1.4839344100607885E7| NaN| 173.8281117670103| | min|t3_10fxh5|---------V---------| 1609459246| | -940| | max| t3_xb7ba| zzzzhzhzh| 1661990390| 🫶| 23891| +-------+---------+-------------------+--------------------+-------+------------------+
# Check selected dataframe schema for submissions
# Check selected dataframe schema for comments
=========submissions========== root |-- id: string (nullable = true) |-- author: string (nullable = true) |-- created_utc: long (nullable = true) |-- title: string (nullable = true) |-- selftext: string (nullable = true) |-- score: long (nullable = true) ===========comments=========== root |-- link_id: string (nullable = true) |-- author: string (nullable = true) |-- created_utc: long (nullable = true) |-- body: string (nullable = true) |-- score: long (nullable = true)
# Find the columns that contain null values and count the number of null values in each column[count(when(col(c).isNull(), c)).alias(c) for c in data_sub.columns]).show()[count(when(col(c).isNull(), c)).alias(c) for c in data_com.columns]).show()
+---+------+-----------+-----+--------+-----+ | id|author|created_utc|title|selftext|score| +---+------+-----------+-----+--------+-----+ | 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| +---+------+-----------+-----+--------+-----+ +-------+------+-----------+----+-----+ |link_id|author|created_utc|body|score| +-------+------+-----------+----+-----+ | 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| +-------+------+-----------+----+-----+
# Basic data cleaning for submission
# Concatenating title & selftext in submission dataframe into a new column named - "content"
# create a new column named is_submission to indicate that all rows in this dataframe are submissions
# also turn all texts to lowercase
df_sub ="id", "author", "created_utc", lower(concat(col("title"), lit(" "), col("selftext"))).alias("content"), "score", lit(True).alias("is_submission"))
# create a new column named is_submission to indicate that all rows in this dataframe are comments (not submission)
# also turn all texts to lowercase
df_com = data_com.withColumn("is_submission", lit(False)).withColumn("body", lower(col("body")))
+------+-----------+-----------+--------------------+-----+-------------+ | id| author|created_utc| content|score|is_submission| +------+-----------+-----------+--------------------+-----+-------------+ |lqctf4| [deleted]| 1614066815|i am inedible??? ...| 9| true| |lqcztv|kurtxie2020| 1614067484|i put wandavision...| 394| true| |lqd0ja|Barnesy91UK| 1614067556|what else has ? c...| 1| true| |lqd0y5| cw1tt| 1614067598|if we are moving ...| 8| true| |lqd6h4|JevonJ_Haha| 1614068143|i cant wait until...| 1| true| +------+-----------+-----------+--------------------+-----+-------------+ only showing top 5 rows +---------+--------------+-----------+--------------------+-----+-------------+ | link_id| author|created_utc| body|score|is_submission| +---------+--------------+-----------+--------------------+-----+-------------+ |t3_o652jl| SIacktivist| 1624437159|agreed, but maybe...| 14| false| |t3_o679zl| Milla4Prez66| 1624437163|it was. according...| 3| false| |t3_o64xd5| BryanRazor| 1624437167|with the new epis...| 2| false| |t3_o679zl|GhostPandaBear| 1624437177|i’m so glad the t...| 1| false| |t3_o679zl| MaGesticSC| 1624437180|a semantic argume...| 5| false| +---------+--------------+-----------+--------------------+-----+-------------+ only showing top 5 rows
# For submissions dataframe
from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType
# Convert the UNIX time to human readable timestamps and change column data types
output_sub = df_sub.withColumn("created_utc", to_timestamp(from_unixtime("created_utc"))).withColumn("score", col("score").cast(IntegerType()))
# Rename "created_utc" to "created_ts"
output_sub = output_sub.withColumnRenamed("created_utc", "created_ts")
+------+-----------+-------------------+--------------------+-----+-------------+ | id| author| created_ts| content|score|is_submission| +------+-----------+-------------------+--------------------+-----+-------------+ |lqctf4| [deleted]|2021-02-23 07:53:35|i am inedible??? ...| 9| true| |lqcztv|kurtxie2020|2021-02-23 08:04:44|i put wandavision...| 394| true| |lqd0ja|Barnesy91UK|2021-02-23 08:05:56|what else has ? c...| 1| true| |lqd0y5| cw1tt|2021-02-23 08:06:38|if we are moving ...| 8| true| |lqd6h4|JevonJ_Haha|2021-02-23 08:15:43|i cant wait until...| 1| true| +------+-----------+-------------------+--------------------+-----+-------------+ only showing top 5 rows
# For comments dataframe
# Convert the UNIX time to human readable timestamps and change column data types
output_com = df_com.withColumn('created_utc', to_timestamp(from_unixtime("created_utc"))).withColumn("score", col("score").cast(IntegerType()))
# Rename "link_id" to "id", "created_utc" to "created_ts", and "body" to "content"
output_com = output_com.withColumnRenamed("link_id", "id").withColumnRenamed("created_utc", "created_ts").withColumnRenamed("body", "content")
+---------+--------------+-------------------+--------------------+-----+-------------+ | id| author| created_ts| content|score|is_submission| +---------+--------------+-------------------+--------------------+-----+-------------+ |t3_o652jl| SIacktivist|2021-06-23 08:32:39|agreed, but maybe...| 14| false| |t3_o679zl| Milla4Prez66|2021-06-23 08:32:43|it was. according...| 3| false| |t3_o64xd5| BryanRazor|2021-06-23 08:32:47|with the new epis...| 2| false| |t3_o679zl|GhostPandaBear|2021-06-23 08:32:57|i’m so glad the t...| 1| false| |t3_o679zl| MaGesticSC|2021-06-23 08:33:00|a semantic argume...| 5| false| +---------+--------------+-------------------+--------------------+-----+-------------+ only showing top 5 rows
# Check the cleaned dataframes' schema
=========submissions========== root |-- id: string (nullable = true) |-- author: string (nullable = true) |-- created_ts: timestamp (nullable = true) |-- content: string (nullable = true) |-- score: integer (nullable = true) |-- is_submission: boolean (nullable = false) ===========comments=========== root |-- id: string (nullable = true) |-- author: string (nullable = true) |-- created_ts: timestamp (nullable = true) |-- content: string (nullable = true) |-- score: integer (nullable = true) |-- is_submission: boolean (nullable = false)
# Vertical stack the submissions dataframe and the comments dataframe
sub_com = output_sub.union(output_com)
root |-- id: string (nullable = true) |-- author: string (nullable = true) |-- created_ts: timestamp (nullable = true) |-- content: string (nullable = true) |-- score: integer (nullable = true) |-- is_submission: boolean (nullable = false)
# Save processed intermediate data into parquet files
# Load processed intermediate data into parquet files
sub_com ="/FileStore/sub_com/original_data/")
sub_com_with_dummy = sub_com
# Simple cleaning of textual data <potential text cleaning step>
# sub_com_with_dummy = sub_com_with_dummy.withColumn('content', translate('content', '!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_{|}~', ' '))
# Create name to alias dict
'black widow' : ['black widow', 'natasha romanoff'],
'yelena belova': ['yelena belova'],
'shang-chi': ['shang-chi', 'shaun', 'shang chi'],
'sersi': ['sersi'],
'ikaris': ['ikaris'],
'thena': ['thena'],
'ajak': ['ajak'],
'spider-man': ['spider-man', 'spider man', 'spiderman', 'peter parker'],
'doctor strange': ['doctor strange', 'strange supreme', 'stephen strange'],
'electro': ['max dillon', 'electro'],
'green goblin': ['norman osborn', 'green goblin'],
'doc ock': ['otto octavius', 'doc ock', 'doctor octopus'],
'wong': ['wong'],
'wanda': ['wanda', 'scarlet witch'],
'thor': ['Thor', 'god of thunder'],
'jane foster': ['jane foster', 'the mighty thor'],
'gorr': ['gorr'],
'vision': ['vision'],
'agnes': ['agnes', 'agatha harkness'],
'falcon': ['falcon', 'sam wilson'],
'bucky': ['bucky', 'winter soldier'],
'john walker': ['john walker'],
'captain america' : ['captain america', 'steve rogers'],
'loki': ['loki'],
'casey': ['casey', 'hunter k-5e', 'hunter k 5e'],
'the watcher': ['the watcher'],
'nick fury': ['nick fury'],
'iron man': ['iron man', 'tony stark'],
'hawkeye': ['hawkeye', 'clint barton', 'ronin'],
'ultron': ['ultron'],
'red skull': ['red skull'],
'captain marvel': ['captain marvel', 'carol danvers'],
'captain carter': ['captain carter', 'peggy carter'],
'hulk': ['bruce banner', 'hulk'],
'nebula': ['nebula'],
'hank pym': ['hank pym', 'yellow jacket'],
'ant-man': ['ant-man', 'antman', 'ant man', 'scott lang'],
'thanos': ['thanos'],
'kate bishop': ['kate bishop'],
'kingpin': ['kingpin'],
'moon knight': ['moon knight', 'marc spector', 'steven grant', 'mr. knight', 'mr knight', 'jake lockley'],
'arthur harrow': ['arthur harrow'],
'kamala khan': ['kamala khan'],
'she-hulk': ['jennifer walters', 'she-hulk', 'shehulk', 'she hulk'],
'abomination': ['abomination', 'emil blonsky'],
'odin': ['odin'],
'pepper potts': ['pepper potts'],
'mj': ['michelle', 'mj'],
'ned': ['ned leeds', 'ned'],
'happy': ['happy', 'happy hogan']
'black widow' : ['black widow', 'blackwidow'],
'shang-chi': ['shang-chi', 'shang chi'],
'eternals': ['eternals'],
'spider-man': ['spider-man', 'spiderman', 'spider man'],
'doctor strange': ['doctor strange'],
'thor': ['thor']
'wandavision': ['wandavision'],
'the falcon and the winter soldier': ['the falcon and the winter soldier'],
'loki': ['loki'],
'what if': ['what if'],
'hawkeye': ['hawkeye'],
'moon knight': ['moon knight'],
'ms marvel': ['ms marvel', 'ms. marvel'],
'she-hulk': ['she-hulk', 'shehulk', 'she hulk']
# Add new colums to sub_com_with_dummy dataframe to show whether character / mdeia was mentioned in the content
pattern = "|".join(['( '+name+')' for name in values])
sub_com_with_dummy = sub_com_with_dummy.withColumn('character:'+key, col("content").rlike(pattern))
for key in MOVIE_NAME_DICT:
values = MOVIE_NAME_DICT[key]
pattern = "|".join(['( '+name+')' for name in values])
sub_com_with_dummy = sub_com_with_dummy.withColumn('movie:'+key, col("content").rlike(pattern))
for key in SERIES_NAME_DICT:
values = SERIES_NAME_DICT[key]
pattern = "|".join(['( '+name+')' for name in values])
sub_com_with_dummy = sub_com_with_dummy.withColumn('series:'+key, col("content").rlike(pattern))
root |-- id: string (nullable = true) |-- author: string (nullable = true) |-- created_ts: timestamp (nullable = true) |-- content: string (nullable = true) |-- score: integer (nullable = true) |-- is_submission: boolean (nullable = false) |-- character:black widow: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:yelena belova: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:shang-chi: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:sersi: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:ikaris: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:thena: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:ajak: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:spider-man: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:doctor strange: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:electro: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:green goblin: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:doc ock: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:wong: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:wanda: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:thor: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:jane foster: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:gorr: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:vision: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:agnes: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:falcon: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:bucky: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:john walker: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:captain america: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:loki: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:casey: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:the watcher: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:nick fury: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:iron man: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:hawkeye: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:ultron: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:red skull: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:captain marvel: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:captain carter: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:hulk: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:nebula: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:hank pym: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:ant-man: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:thanos: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:kate bishop: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:kingpin: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:moon knight: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:arthur harrow: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:kamala khan: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:she-hulk: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:abomination: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:odin: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:pepper potts: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:mj: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:ned: boolean (nullable = true) |-- character:happy: boolean (nullable = true) |-- movie:black widow: boolean (nullable = true) |-- movie:shang-chi: boolean (nullable = true) |-- movie:eternals: boolean (nullable = true) |-- movie:spider-man: boolean (nullable = true) |-- movie:doctor strange: boolean (nullable = true) |-- movie:thor: boolean (nullable = true) |-- series:wandavision: boolean (nullable = true) |-- series:the falcon and the winter soldier: boolean (nullable = true) |-- series:loki: boolean (nullable = true) |-- series:what if: boolean (nullable = true) |-- series:hawkeye: boolean (nullable = true) |-- series:moon knight: boolean (nullable = true) |-- series:ms marvel: boolean (nullable = true) |-- series:she-hulk: boolean (nullable = true)
# Save processed intermediate data into parquet files
# Load processed intermediate data into parquet files
sub_com_with_dummy ="/FileStore/sub_com/with_dummy/")
# run regex and count the number of times each character was metioned by either submissions or comments
character_count_dict = {c: sub_com_with_dummy.filter(col(c)).count() for c in sub_com_with_dummy.columns if c.split(':')[0] == "character"}
Out[269]: {'character:black widow': 42108, 'character:yelena belova': 626, 'character:shang-chi': 44257, 'character:sersi': 5023, 'character:ikaris': 6080, 'character:thena': 3218, 'character:ajak': 2355, 'character:spider-man': 146361, 'character:doctor strange': 34125, 'character:electro': 7637, 'character:green goblin': 8265, 'character:doc ock': 6793, 'character:wong': 15944, 'character:wanda': 186333, 'character:thor': 1262, 'character:jane foster': 3146, 'character:gorr': 10177, 'character:vision': 69443, 'character:agnes': 7943, 'character:falcon': 33047, 'character:bucky': 85656, 'character:john walker': 7848, 'character:captain america': 56294, 'character:loki': 133711, 'character:casey': 536, 'character:the watcher': 6117, 'character:nick fury': 8173, 'character:iron man': 73849, 'character:hawkeye': 49639, 'character:ultron': 48224, 'character:red skull': 5274, 'character:captain marvel': 40279, 'character:captain carter': 6390, 'character:hulk': 89157, 'character:nebula': 8061, 'character:hank pym': 3755, 'character:ant-man': 32571, 'character:thanos': 100575, 'character:kate bishop': 5404, 'character:kingpin': 15308, 'character:moon knight': 26959, 'character:arthur harrow': 269, 'character:kamala khan': 1843, 'character:she-hulk': 20144, 'character:abomination': 6841, 'character:odin': 14600, 'character:pepper potts': 713, 'character:mj': 25721, 'character:ned': 10208, 'character:happy': 33374}
# run regex and count the number of times each movie was metioned by either submissions or comments
movie_count_dict = {c: sub_com_with_dummy.filter(col(c)).count() for c in sub_com_with_dummy.columns if c.split(':')[0] == "movie"}
Out[270]: {'movie:black widow': 41987, 'movie:shang-chi': 44014, 'movie:eternals': 49710, 'movie:spider-man': 136529, 'movie:doctor strange': 31266, 'movie:thor': 132231}
# run regex and count the number of times each series was metioned by either submissions or comments
series_count_dict = {c: sub_com_with_dummy.filter(col(c)).count() for c in sub_com_with_dummy.columns if c.split(':')[0] == "series"}
Out[271]: {'series:wandavision': 59422, 'series:the falcon and the winter soldier': 2479, 'series:loki': 133711, 'series:what if': 40495, 'series:hawkeye': 45844, 'series:moon knight': 25062, 'series:ms marvel': 20818, 'series:she-hulk': 19844}
# Save the count result into dictionaries
import json
with open("./data/json/character_count.json", "w") as fID:
json.dump(character_count_dict, fID)
with open("./data/json/movie_count.json", "w") as fID:
json.dump(movie_count_dict, fID)
with open("./data/json/series_count.json", "w") as fID:
json.dump(series_count_dict, fID)
# Load the character info json file from a REST API
import requests
import json
# Get the character info from API
api = ''
data_char = requests.get(api).text
parsed = json.loads(data_char)
# Select the info that we need in the analysis
hero_ls = []
col_ls = ['name', 'intelligence', 'strength', 'speed', 'durability', 'power', 'combat', 'gender', 'race', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'publisher', 'alignment']
for i in range(len(parsed)):
info = []
if len(parsed[i]['biography']['fullName'].split(' ')) < 2:
info.append(parsed[i]['biography']['fullName'].split(' ')[0].lower())
info.append(parsed[i]['biography']['fullName'].split(' ')[1].lower())
# Create a spark dataframe based on the loaded json data
df_char = spark.createDataFrame(hero_ls, col_ls)
# Show the schema of the df
root |-- name: string (nullable = true) |-- intelligence: long (nullable = true) |-- strength: long (nullable = true) |-- speed: long (nullable = true) |-- durability: long (nullable = true) |-- power: long (nullable = true) |-- combat: long (nullable = true) |-- gender: string (nullable = true) |-- race: string (nullable = true) |-- first_name: string (nullable = true) |-- last_name: string (nullable = true) |-- publisher: string (nullable = true) |-- alignment: string (nullable = true)
# Load char count json file
with open('./data/json/character_count.json', 'r') as fID:
char_count = json.loads(
# Get the name and count
char_name_ls = [name[10:] for name in list(char_count.keys())]
char_count_ls = list(char_count.values())
char_count_pair = [[char_name_ls[i], char_count_ls[i]] for i in range(len(char_name_ls))]
char_we_need = spark.createDataFrame(char_count_pair, ['name', 'mention_count'])
# Merge the char info and the char count
df_char_new = df_char.withColumn('name', when(col('name') == 'ant-man ii', 'ant-man').when(col('name') == 'hawkeye ii', 'kate bishop').otherwise(
df_char_new = df_char_new.filter((col('publisher') != 'DC Comics') & (col('publisher') != 'Giant-Man'))
cond = [( == | (df_char_new.first_name == | (df_char_new.last_name ==]
col_need = ['', 'intelligence', 'strength', 'speed', 'durability', 'power', 'combat', 'gender', 'race', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'publisher', 'alignment', 'mention_count']
df_char_new = df_char_new.alias('a').join(char_we_need.alias('b'), cond, how = 'right').select(col_need)
# Select needed columns
col_ls = ['name', 'intelligence', 'strength', 'speed', 'durability', 'power', 'combat', 'gender', 'race', 'alignment', 'mention_count']
df_character =
# Load the external media information data
media_df ="header", True).csv('dbfs:/FileStore/media_info.csv')
+--------------------+------------+--------+----------------+----------------+ | media_name|release_date|is_movie|box_office (USD)|investment (USD)| +--------------------+------------+--------+----------------+----------------+ | wandavision| 01-15-2021| FALSE| null| 200000000| |the falcon and th...| 03-19-2021| FALSE| null| 150000000| | loki| 06-09-2021| FALSE| null| 225000000| | black widow| 07-09-2021| TRUE| 379751655| 200000000| | what if| 08-11-2021| FALSE| null| 150000000| +--------------------+------------+--------+----------------+----------------+ only showing top 5 rows
# Print the schema of loaded media information
root |-- media_name: string (nullable = true) |-- release_date: string (nullable = true) |-- is_movie: string (nullable = true) |-- box_office (USD): string (nullable = true) |-- investment (USD): string (nullable = true)
# Change data type
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType,BooleanType,DateType
media_info = media_df.withColumn('is_movie', col('is_movie').cast(BooleanType()))\
.withColumn('box_office (USD)', col('box_office (USD)').cast('long'))\
.withColumn('investment (USD)', col('investment (USD)').cast('long'))\
.withColumn('release_date', to_date(col('release_date'),"MM-dd-yyyy"))
root |-- media_name: string (nullable = true) |-- release_date: date (nullable = true) |-- is_movie: boolean (nullable = true) |-- box_office (USD): long (nullable = true) |-- investment (USD): long (nullable = true)
# Import the previously created json file of count of submissions and comments that mentioned each movie
movie_count = [{"black widow": 41987, "shang-chi": 23290, "eternals": 49710, "spider-man": 136529, "doctor strange": 31266, "thor": 132231}]
df_movie_count = spark.createDataFrame(movie_count)
+-----------+--------------+--------+---------+----------+------+ |black widow|doctor strange|eternals|shang-chi|spider-man| thor| +-----------+--------------+--------+---------+----------+------+ | 41987| 31266| 49710| 23290| 136529|132231| +-----------+--------------+--------+---------+----------+------+
# Pivot the count table
df_movie_count ="stack(6, 'black widow', `black widow`, 'doctor strange', `doctor strange`, 'eternals', `eternals`, 'shang-chi', `shang-chi`, 'spider-man', `spider-man`, 'thor', `thor`) as (media_name, mention_count)"))
+--------------+-------------+ | media_name|mention_count| +--------------+-------------+ | black widow| 41987| |doctor strange| 31266| | eternals| 49710| | shang-chi| 23290| | spider-man| 136529| | thor| 132231| +--------------+-------------+
# Import the previously created json file of count of submissions and comments that mentioned each series
series_count = [{"wandavision": 59422, "the falcon and the winter soldier": 2479, "loki": 133711, "what if": 40495, "hawkeye": 45844, "moon knight": 25062, "ms marvel": 20818, "she-hulk": 19844}]
df_series_count = spark.createDataFrame(series_count)
+-------+------+-----------+---------+--------+---------------------------------+-----------+-------+ |hawkeye| loki|moon knight|ms marvel|she-hulk|the falcon and the winter soldier|wandavision|what if| +-------+------+-----------+---------+--------+---------------------------------+-----------+-------+ | 45844|133711| 25062| 20818| 19844| 2479| 59422| 40495| +-------+------+-----------+---------+--------+---------------------------------+-----------+-------+
#pivot the count table
df_series_count ="stack(8, 'wandavision', `wandavision`, 'the falcon and the winter soldier', `the falcon and the winter soldier`, 'loki', `loki`, 'what if', `what if`, 'Hawkeye', `Hawkeye`, 'moon knight', `moon knight`, 'ms marvel', `ms marvel`, 'she-hulk', `she-hulk`) as (media_name, mention_count)"))
+--------------------+-------------+ | media_name|mention_count| +--------------------+-------------+ | wandavision| 59422| |the falcon and th...| 2479| | loki| 133711| | what if| 40495| | Hawkeye| 45844| | moon knight| 25062| | ms marvel| 20818| | she-hulk| 19844| +--------------------+-------------+
df_media_count = df_movie_count.union(df_series_count)
+--------------------+-------------+ | media_name|mention_count| +--------------------+-------------+ | black widow| 41987| | doctor strange| 31266| | eternals| 49710| | shang-chi| 23290| | spider-man| 136529| | thor| 132231| | wandavision| 59422| |the falcon and th...| 2479| | loki| 133711| | what if| 40495| | Hawkeye| 45844| | moon knight| 25062| | ms marvel| 20818| | she-hulk| 19844| +--------------------+-------------+
#join the count value with media_info
media_info = media_info.join(df_media_count, "media_name", 'left')
+--------------------+------------+--------+----------------+----------------+-------------+ | media_name|release_date|is_movie|box_office (USD)|investment (USD)|mention_count| +--------------------+------------+--------+----------------+----------------+-------------+ | eternals| 2021-11-05| true| 402064899| 200000000| 49710| | loki| 2021-06-09| false| null| 225000000| 133711| | shang-chi| 2021-09-03| true| 432243292| 150000000| 23290| | black widow| 2021-07-09| true| 379751655| 200000000| 41987| | moon knight| 2022-03-30| false| null| 150000000| 25062| | what if| 2021-08-11| false| null| 150000000| 40495| | doctor strange| 2022-05-06| true| 955775804| 200000000| 31266| | thor| 2022-07-08| true| 760755255| 250000000| 132231| |the falcon and th...| 2021-03-19| false| null| 150000000| 2479| | Hawkeye| 2021-11-24| false| null| 150000000| 45844| | wandavision| 2021-01-15| false| null| 200000000| 59422| | spider-man| 2021-12-17| true| 1916306995| 200000000| 136529| | ms marvel| 2022-06-08| false| null| 150000000| 20818| | she-hulk| 2022-08-17| false| null| 225000000| 19844| +--------------------+------------+--------+----------------+----------------+-------------+
#Table 1:
# Count of gender
df_character ='unknown', subset = ['gender', 'alignment', 'race'])
gender_avg_count = df_character.groupby('gender').mean('mention_count')
gender_count = df_character.groupby('gender').count()
gender_count.join(gender_avg_count, on = 'gender').show()
+-------+-----+------------------+ | gender|count|avg(mention_count)| +-------+-----+------------------+ | Male| 23| 47444.69565217391| | Female| 6|50388.166666666664| |unknown| 21| 7527.571428571428| +-------+-----+------------------+
#Table 2:
# Count of alignment
alignment_avg_count = df_character.groupby('alignment').mean('mention_count')
alignment_count = df_character.groupby('alignment').count()
alignment_count.join(alignment_avg_count, on = 'alignment').show()
+---------+-----+------------------+ |alignment|count|avg(mention_count)| +---------+-----+------------------+ | good| 19| 45964.63157894737| | bad| 10| 52022.9| | unknown| 21| 7527.571428571428| +---------+-----+------------------+
#Table 3:
# Count of race
race_avg_count = df_character.groupby('race').mean('mention_count')
race_count = df_character.groupby('race').count()
race_count.join(race_avg_count, on = 'race').show()
+-----------------+-----+------------------+ | race|count|avg(mention_count)| +-----------------+-----+------------------+ | Human| 17|40576.294117647056| | Eternal| 1| 100575.0| | unknown| 22| 7425.136363636364| | Asgardian| 2| 67486.5| | Android| 2| 58833.5| |Human / Radiation| 2| 47999.0| | Luphomoid| 1| 8061.0| | Human-Kree| 1| 40279.0| | God / Eternal| 1| 14600.0| | Mutant| 1| 186333.0| +-----------------+-----+------------------+
#Table 4: Character
# Get a summary table on the powerstats of Marvel heros'intelligence', 'strength', 'speed', 'durability', 'power', 'combat', 'mention_count').summary("min", "25%", "mean", "75%", "max", "stddev").show()
+-------+------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ |summary| intelligence| strength| speed| durability| power| combat| mention_count| +-------+------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | min| 38| 6| 8| 10| 13| 30| 269| | 25%| 63| 12| 23| 42| 29| 64| 5404| | mean| 77.24137931034483|46.172413793103445|39.172413793103445| 64.34482758620689|63.06896551724138|75.86206896551724| 31032.72| | 75%| 90| 83| 53| 95| 100| 90| 42108| | max| 100| 100| 83| 100| 100| 100| 186333| | stddev|17.887855362175983| 35.36550878783819| 19.88910140453316|29.840379955055347| 32.5762084903371| 17.7718158448608|41085.59461836338| +-------+------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
#Table 5: Media info 1
#overall profit of Marvel Studio from Movies from Jan, 2021 to Aug, 2022
sum_invest = media_info.groupby('is_movie').agg({'box_office (USD)': "sum", 'investment (USD)': "sum"})
#sum_invest = sum_invest.filter(sum_invest['is_movie'] == True)
sum_invest = sum_invest.withColumn('profit (USD)', col('sum(box_office (USD))')-col('sum(investment (USD))'))
+--------+---------------------+---------------------+------------+ |is_movie|sum(box_office (USD))|sum(investment (USD))|profit (USD)| +--------+---------------------+---------------------+------------+ | true| 4846897900| 1200000000| 3646897900| | false| null| 1400000000| null| +--------+---------------------+---------------------+------------+
#Table 6: Media info 2
#summary of media info
media_info_pd = media_info.toPandas()
media_name | release_date | is_movie | box_office (USD) | investment (USD) | mention_count | |
0 | wandavision | 2021-01-15 | False | NaN | 200000000 | 59422 |
1 | the falcon and the winter soldier | 2021-03-19 | False | NaN | 150000000 | 2479 |
2 | loki | 2021-06-09 | False | NaN | 225000000 | 133711 |
3 | black widow | 2021-07-09 | True | 3.797517e+08 | 200000000 | 41987 |
4 | what if | 2021-08-11 | False | NaN | 150000000 | 40495 |
5 | shang-chi | 2021-09-03 | True | 4.322433e+08 | 150000000 | 23290 |
6 | eternals | 2021-11-05 | True | 4.020649e+08 | 200000000 | 49710 |
7 | Hawkeye | 2021-11-24 | False | NaN | 150000000 | 45844 |
8 | spider-man | 2021-12-17 | True | 1.916307e+09 | 200000000 | 136529 |
9 | moon knight | 2022-03-30 | False | NaN | 150000000 | 25062 |
10 | doctor strange | 2022-05-06 | True | 9.557758e+08 | 200000000 | 31266 |
11 | ms marvel | 2022-06-08 | False | NaN | 150000000 | 20818 |
12 | thor | 2022-07-08 | True | 7.607553e+08 | 250000000 | 132231 |
13 | she-hulk | 2022-08-17 | False | NaN | 225000000 | 19844 |
# Global Configurations
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cycler import cycler
plt.rcParams[""] = "P052"
# plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler(color=['#a2d2ff', '#005f73', '#0a9396', '#94d2bd', '#e9d8a6', '#ca6702', '#bb3e03', '#001219'])
plt.rcParams["axes.titlesize"] = 24
plt.rcParams["axes.labelsize"] = 20
plt.rcParams["xtick.labelsize"] = 16
plt.rcParams["ytick.labelsize"] = 16
plt.rcParams["legend.fontsize"] = 16
date_count = sub_com.withColumn("created_date", to_date(col("created_ts"))).groupBy("created_date").count()
+------------+-----+ |created_date|count| +------------+-----+ | 2021-12-18|21421| | 2022-07-31| 9765| | 2021-06-22| 3375| | 2021-08-27|10337| | 2022-03-28|10027| +------------+-----+ only showing top 5 rows
date_count_pandas = date_count.toPandas()
date_count_pandas.plot(x="created_date", y="count", figsize=(16, 9), color='#005f73')
plt.xlabel("Date", size = 20)
plt.ylabel("# of submission and comements", size = 20)
plt.title("Number of Submissions and Comments 2021 Jan - 2022 Aug", size = 25)
Out[187]: Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Number of Submissions and Comments 2021 Jan - 2022 Aug')
usr_posts_count = sub_com.groupBy("author").count()
+------------+-----+ | author|count| +------------+-----+ |wickedplague| 2| |Upintheair84| 59| | Sweetartums| 2| | CTB021300| 3| | sable-king| 895| +------------+-----+ only showing top 5 rows
usr_posts_count_pandas ="count").toPandas()
three_std_gt_mean = usr_posts_count_pandas['count'].mean() + 3 * usr_posts_count_pandas['count'].std()
usr_posts_count_pandas[usr_posts_count_pandas['count'] < three_std_gt_mean].hist(figsize=(16, 9), bins=30, color='#005f73')
plt.xlabel("# of submission and comements", size = 20)
plt.ylabel("log(# of users in marvelstudio subreddit)", size = 20)
plt.title("Number of Posts Per User Historgram", size = 25)
Out[189]: Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Number of Posts Per User Historgram')
# plot for char info 1
# radar plot for heros' power
import numpy as np
col_ls_v1 = ['name', 'intelligence', 'strength', 'speed', 'durability', 'power', 'combat', 'mention_count', 'alignment']
# filter
dat_v1 =
dat_v1 = dat_v1.filter(dat_v1.intelligence.isNotNull())
# change to pandas
char_v1_pd = dat_v1.toPandas()
char_v1_pd.index =
char_v1_labels = ['intelligence', 'strength', 'speed', 'durability', 'power', 'combat']
num_vars = len(char_v1_labels)
angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num_vars, endpoint=False).tolist()
angles += angles[:1]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5), subplot_kw=dict(polar=True), dpi = 200)
plt.rcParams[""] = "P052"
# def a function to add hero that we want
def add_to_radar(hero, color):
values = char_v1_pd.loc[hero, char_v1_labels].tolist()
values += values[:1]
ax.plot(angles, values, color=color, linewidth=1, label=hero)
ax.fill(angles, values, color=color, alpha=0.25)
add_to_radar('captain america', '#001219')
add_to_radar('black widow', '#005f73')
add_to_radar('shang-chi', '#0a9396')
add_to_radar('spider-man', '#94d2bd')
add_to_radar('doctor strange', '#e9d8a6')
add_to_radar('thor', '#ca6702')
add_to_radar('iron man', '#bb3e03')
ax.set_theta_offset(np.pi / 2)
ax.set_thetagrids(np.degrees(angles)[:-1], char_v1_labels, fontsize = 13)
for label, angle in zip(ax.get_xticklabels(), angles):
if angle in (0, np.pi):
elif 0 < angle < np.pi:
ax.set_ylim(0, 100)
ax.set_rlabel_position(180 / num_vars)
# Make the y-axis (0-100) labels smaller.
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=8)
# Change the color of the circular gridlines.
# Change the color of the outermost gridline (the spine).
# Change the background color inside the circle itself.
# Add title.
ax.set_title("Heros' Powerstats", y=1.15, fontsize = 20)
# Add a legend as well.
ax.legend(loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 1.1), fontsize = 7)
Out[169]: <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe1185917f0>
# plot for char info 2
# power, mentioned times and alignment
char_v2_pd = char_v1_pd
char_v2_pd['overall power'] = char_v2_pd['intelligence'] + char_v2_pd['speed'] + char_v2_pd['durability'] + char_v2_pd['power'] + char_v2_pd['combat']
col_v2_ls = ['overall power', 'alignment', 'count']
alist = np.array(['good', 'bad'])
alignment = char_v2_pd['alignment'].values
power = char_v2_pd['overall power'].values
count = char_v2_pd['mention_count'].values
colors = ['#ae2012', '#005f73']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))
plt.rcParams[""] = "P052"
for a, c in zip(alist, colors):
idxs = np.where(alignment == a)
power[idxs], count[idxs], label = a,
s = 80, color = c, alpha = 0.6
plt.ylabel('Mentioned Times')
plt.xlabel('Overall Power')
ax.set_title("Heros' Power, Mentioned Times and Alignment", y=1.05)
#transfer spark df to pandas df
media_info_pd = media_info.toPandas()
# plot for media info
# mentioned times and investment value
#colors = ['#ae2012', '#005f73']
#distribution of mention_count for each media
count = media_info_pd['mention_count']
name = media_info_pd['media_name']
invest = media_info_pd['investment (USD)']
x = range(len(name))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(22,10))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot()
#fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(22,10))
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
# plt.figure(), count, alpha = 0.5, width = 0.5, label = 'Mention Counts', color = '#005f73')
ax2.scatter(x, invest, color = '#ae2012', label = 'Investment (USD Million)', s = 80, alpha=0.5)
ax1.tick_params(rotation = 90)
ax1.set_xlabel("Media Name")
ax1.set_ylabel("Mention Counts")
ax2.set_ylabel("Investment (USD Million)")
plt.title("Number of Mention Counts & Investment Value of Each Media")
ax1.legend(loc = (0.01, 0.9) )#'upper left')
ax2.legend(loc = (0.01, 0.85) )#'upper right')